FTP Accounts in Cloud Hosting
Any of the cloud hosting plans that we are offering will allow you to set up an unlimited number of FTP accounts, so you will be able to administer the content of your sites independently or to grant other persons access to any website in your hosting account. In case you have a web design app installed on your home PC, you’ll be able to administer multiple Internet sites at the same time and to keep them up to date without any efforts. In case you provide the login credentials to some other individual to carry out a particular task, you’ll be able to update the password for that FTP account or to remove it completely with only a few clicks of the mouse and avoid any risk of unauthorized access to your website content from then on. For convenience’s sake, all FTP accounts that you set up will be listed in alphabetical order in the corresponding section of your Hepsia hosting Control Panel.
FTP Accounts in Semi-dedicated Servers
With our custom-developed Hepsia web hosting Control Panel, you’ll be able to create as many FTP accounts as you like, even different accounts with access to one and the same folder – in case you wish different persons to be able to access the exact same web content with totally different login details. Our semi-dedicated servers do not have any limitation on the maximum number of the FTP accounts that you can manage at a time, so you will be able to administer your files and to modify your Internet sites without any effort. If you want to restrict the access to your website content, you can alter the directory that an account can connect to or you can remove the account completely with no more than a few mouse clicks through the Control Panel. You will be able to check all the accounts and to modify any of them, if needed. For your convenience, you can also download an auto-configuration file for different FTP applications. Furthermore, we’ve got comprehensive step-by-step articles and educational video clips, which will help you manage your FTP accounts seamlessly.